Monday, September 26, 2005

"Tot High Holidays"

The Arlington Jewish Circle invites all who are interested to a Rosh
Hashanah/Yom Kippur celebration oriented toward young children.

When: Sunday, October 2, 2005, 10am - 12pm

Where: Fox Library, Community Room (downstairs), 175 Mass Ave (corner of Cleveland St), East Arlington

Description: Our Second Annual Young Family High Holidays program targeted to young children and their families, including: a "mini-service" including kid-oriented explanations, stories & songs; kiddush with snack (challah, apples & honey); optional arts & crafts activities (for those old enough), consisting of coloring some High Holiday-themed coloring pages, and a more advanced project, probably decorating honey jars; and finally unstructured play/socializing time. The target age is roughly 0-7 although older kids are of course welcome.

A contribution of $5/family is requested to help defray the costs of the room rental and of food, art supplies, etc.

Questions? Email